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Variation of the week
Posted by glendaandbryan
8/8/2013  11:28:00 AM
Video does not play. Checked at Future Shop. Tried various downloads. Still not working. They suggest it may be an issue with Ballroom Dancers.com
Re: Variation of the week
Posted by Administrator
8/9/2013  12:29:00 PM
Hi Glenda,

Please give us more information about the computer or device your using to view the website.

Is it a mac or pc computer (desktop, laptop, etc). If so, what operating system are you using (e.g. OS 10.7, Windows 8), and what browser and version (e.g. Internet Explorer 9, Safari 3, etc)?

If you're using a mobile device, are you viewing our full website (www.ballroomdancers.com) or our mobile website (mobile.ballroomdancers.com)? And what device is it -- iPhone 3, 4, or 5, iPod Touch, iPad 1, 2, 3 or 4, or some other Android- or Windows-based phone or tablet?

As soon as we know what kind of device you're using to connect, we can probably help you figure out what's missing.

Jonathan Atkinson
Re: Variation of the week
Posted by marlee
11/13/2013  4:36:00 AM
Hi Jonathan,

I am a premium member and I use your website a lot to refresh my memory on certain step (I am a ballroom teacher in Europe).

Looking at the variations of the week, most of them (if not all of them) are american style, which of course does not help while teaching International style.

Would be nice to see some variations international style from time to time.
Is there a chance to see those coming sometimes?

Thanks - Marlee

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